

Real Work. Real Results.

Head Choreographers and Owners of The Kingdom’s LAB Dance Centre, JP and Karla Saayman
started the studio in 2013 and 2018 respectively. We have in 2019 combined our studios to form The Kingdom’s LAB Dance Centre. Now represented in PTA East and in Centurion and twice as powerful, we are extending our knowledge of Hip-Hop and other street styles like Popping, Krump, B-boy, House etc. to the future generations of this industry. We aim to help them not only be ready to compete at the highest level, but to U-turn Hip-Hop and dancing towards The Creator of arts.
We are POWERED by God alone and we aim to let every dancer that enters our doors become their own EXCELLENT BEST!!

The main reason of the existence for this dance centre is to worship the Lord with our talent and to give it back unto Him by reaching our full potential. The dance centre’s foundation rests upon the scriptures Romans 12 “A living sacrifice to God” and Psalm 149:3 “Let them praise His name with the dance.”

We focus on both local and international competitions and to produce dancers that perform well in both fields once they have been well trained and prepared to take on this challenge. We have won various big competitions including Battle of the Giants, UDO South Africa, DanceStar etc.
Internationally we have received input and been judged by pioneers of this industry such as Popping Pete, Boogaloo Sam, EZ Twins etc


studio Achievements:

●  5 Time Top Crew Score Winners at Dance for Growth.

●  5 Time Top Solo Score Winners at Dance for Growth.

●  Crews placed Top 5 all 3 times representing South Africa at the DanceStar World Masters competition in Croatia.

●  3rd Place Open Senior Solo representing South Africa at the DanceStar World Masters competition in Croatia 2018.

●  2nd Place Urban Senior Solo representing South Africa at the DanceStar World Masters competition in Croatia 2019.

●  1st Place Open Senior Solo representing South Africa at the DanceStar World Masters competition in Croatia 2024.

●  3rd Place Hip-Hop Section at Dance World Cup Finals representing South Africa.

●  Youngest ever Popping Battles Top 8 Finalist at the Hip-Hop International Finals in the USA.

●  Top Ranked South African Crew at the Hip-Hop International Online Finals 2021.

●  Multiple Solo and Crew Champions in local competitions such as Hip-Hop

International SA, DanceStar SA, Dance World Cup SA and World Dance Challenge SA.

● Top Children, Adult Solo, Junior and Senior All Style Battle and 1st Place Adult Crew at Clash of the Titans 2024.

● Overall Best Crew of the Competition winners at Euro Dance 2024.


We challenge you to come and take 1 free class with us. No catch. No fees.

Building warriors for the Kingdom of God!




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